La Gueule has just presented his dismay about a frog sitting on his nose. Le Frog is figuring out the best ninja move to teach the big-headed musician a lesson. Le Corbusier just trolls: he’s not fictious and I don’t even like him. But I thought he’d complete the trio nicely.
My greatest tragedy of 2010 was that Gainsbourg – Vie Heroïque was regarded by everyone else as JUST an artist biography. For me it was the best fantasy film of the year. Oh well. Aardman’s Flushed Away has a cult status amongst MacKativer and me, mostly thanks to the aforementioned Le Frog. And I guess Le Corbusier could be considerd a hero by some people out there…
Gainsbourg – Vie Heroïque directed by Joann Sfar
Flushed Away directed by Sam Fell, David Bowers (xD) and Henry F. Anderson III
”We ’ave a mission! Let not’ing stand in our way! We leave – immidiately!”
W’at about dinner?
”We leave – in five ’ours!”