
Sisältövaroitus: omituista ympäristöpoliittista nörtteilyä / Content warning: weird nerdy environmental stuff

/ Bioeconomy. /
/ What it could be: Hemp! Straw! Algae! Manure! /
/ What it is: Pulp! Every time that #&@*! pulp!! /

Tää sarjis synty siitä ketutuksesta, kun biotalousseminaareissa ei käsitellä kiinnostavia asioita. Ja metsäkadon takia kans.

Kuusikon ylläpito

/ Spruce woods must be thinned or they will disappear! / Right, that’s curious– since spruce spread to Finland after the ice age about 3000 BCE. /
/ That would mean five thousand years of uninterrupted forest management! / It’s a miracle we even have spruce woods surviving to our days! Those stone age people must have been really smart… /

Sarjiksen inspiroi viikon väärä mielipide eräässä lehdessä.

Säryn matematiikka


In Ibuprofen we trust.

Turvallisuushuomio: Jätin tarkoituksella piirtämättä osan buhurtissa käytettävistä suojuksista kuvan selkeyden vuoksi. Treeneissä on kypärät päässä, ei huolta.

Lopullinen ratkaisu

/ We’ve had group discussions, consulting, workplace healthcare briefing, we’ve given leash, we’ve tightened the leash and collected dozens of post it notes – but no! What do we do?! -Management by Perkele. Let’s outsource everything to Hell. /

For non-finnish speakers, Perkele is an oldish word referring to the Devil, as well as very useful curseword in finnish. Gives you an idea of the management style…

That’s all folks!
Puputoimisto kuittaa. Toistaiseksi. / Bunny office out. For now.


/ Boss said legal department said that union said that the law says this! / Yeah right! Workplace steward said that the union said that precedent from 1995 said that the law says that! /
/ Justice is out there /

Remember remember the 5th of November, silloin ei oikeus(talot)kaan ole turvassa.

En tiä miks, mut mun mielestä oikeutta symboloiva sokea nainen, jolla on punnari ja miekka, on visuaalisesti todella hieno hahmo.

Epic fail

/ Investors will cut your budget by a third. HR takes up 70% of the money and directors fight among each other. What do you do? /
/ I’ll outsource accounting into a firm, I let go three people and start looking for a cheaper office space. I don’t have time to consult the board but surely I’ll get their retroactive approval. /
/ Right. Well, you’re in a hurry so you can’t use charisma bonus. Throw one die. /
/ And you threw one. That’s rollicking. /