a.k.a. Making of the Mermaids
Tämä pieni tilanne sattui viime syksynä, kun keräännyttiin MacKativerin kaa valopöydän ääreen tussaamaan euforisesti omia proggiksiamme. Tulokset löytää muuten sit scrollaamalla alaspäin, vink vink.
This little event took place last autumn when MacKativer and I were inking our comic projects in frenzy. Fun times 🙂 The results can be found below, keep scrolling down.
/ Would it be ready now? / One art teacher in high school adviced to look at your drawings in a mirror. That way you can notice something to improve. -Good tip! / But what exactly am I supposed to see here? -Your future husband, maybe? / The mermaids just kidnapped him, though. / Curse on their fishy guts! /
Mus mus on pus pus tanskaksi. Mulla on vahva epäilys, että Kapu on jostain sieltä päin kotoisin…
Mus means kiss in Danish. I’m quite convinced Captain is from around there somewhere… The joke in this comic is based on various traditional finnish midsummer night’s beliefs where a young girl can, after performing some ”magical” stuff, see her future husband’s image in a well or in her dreams or…