
Oltiin MacKativerin ja muiden luontoliittolaisten kaa viikko Urho Kekkosen kansallispuistossa vuodevaihteen yli. / I had a New Year holiday in an off grid cabin in Lapland.

/ Are you gonna pack your trangia without checking it first? / Yeah, it’s washed and all -Washed in a creek in Scotland at six in the morning a month ago! /

/ I reserved a cabin and taxi will take us to a parking lot 2,5km from it. -Yess! / This trip is going to be easy /
/ Road isn’t plowed. I’ll leave you here, 8km from the cabin. -uh, okay. / It’s getting dark. We still have more than half to go. / I can’t anymore! My toes are freezing! -Forest road ended. It’s just unbroken snow from now on /
/ We just have to keep going. -This isn’t what I signed up for at all! /

/ Hell. Where are we? / There’s half a meter snow and I don’t even know if we’re supposed to go this way. Compass is useless when I don’t know my position… /
/ I’m tired too! What if I lead everyone around in circles. We can’t — What should I do?! / Does anyone have GoogleMaps at hand? -yeah. /

Likinäköisen kääpiön kirves ja toppahameen vetoketjujen tärkeys
/ alright! /

/ Lead us, o captain Frost-Iron Man-Inagorn! / So today I identify with dark and hot beardguys /
/ But in truth: -Ina looks like Jaajo Linnonmaa (<-radio host) -What?! / Okay /

/ Ew! Don’t say stuff like that! /

/ Please remember to put your snowshoes nicely -Yeah, otherwise Staalo comes and eats us! / What’s Staalo? -A boogeyman, like Lappish Slenderman /
/ Ewww now I don’t dare to go alone in the outhouse! / Relax, it’s just a story. /
/ it’s just a story it’s just a story /

/ No network I can’t Toniii yuck your dad said yuck making you -Oh teenagers. Luckily we’re mature adults. / Mature adults: Butt! hehehe! /

Anonymous Introverted Asexuals Assembly
/ Discussion deck? What’s this? -A game that allows you to get to know a new friend or a partner. / What has moved you lately? -That Turtles fanfic I read -Who’s your favorite superhero? -Do anthropomorfized animal ninjas count? Lol /
/ What do you think is the main purpose of intimate relationship? Meaning of life is 42 so I’d say 43! / Describe a perfect erotic holiday. How and where did you get your first kiss? Do you fall in live with a person or a gender? / Pass. /

/ What’s the name of the turtle? -Bentley! -Donatello! -Oogway! /
^I don’t actually know what this was about. It was Bentley.
/ Our butter melts in the bag. -The floor is cold. Put it under the table. /
/ Let’s make sandwiches. -I’ll pop in the fridge. /
/ … /
/ Ah-ha! /

/ So they traveled to the sunrise / num num / So they traveled to the sunset /
/ That makes five hours of outdoor recreation today. -Oh, moon. /

/ Here they have rested under a spuce tree. / Here they took a scenic route /
/ And here -aaaaaa- they sat! And look – / You can even see their toe prints! The cutie bunny boo’s towsie wowsies!! I can’t even !!! /

Lopuksi vielä, yleisön pyynnöstä / I was requested to illustrate this epic confrontation:
Us as Avengers was a recurring joke during the trip along with Staalo as a recurring baddie so I guess this was — inevitable.

Muoks: Laitan tän kuvan nyt tänne kun en keksi muuta paikkaa.
Sukulaisjoulun ja talviseikkailun välissä ehdin jotenkin elää tällaisen päivän:
Kyseinen ficci on @eternalglitch ’in Like Father Like Son.

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