Horse mythology

Still works from Tallinn! Task was to make a comic about your favourite mythological character. I had hard time choosing and asked for help from the group – and so Jonna and Matilda told me about the birth of Sleipnir, the eight-legged-horse of Odin from Asgard. Great stuff, worth a comic 😀
So there you go:


Spider foals loved dearly by Ina

One trip ten genres

Stuff from the first day of Tallinn comic camp – idea was to draw a story about how you came to Tallinn in ten different genres. So we made ten little booklets and drew. There are some that are in just to make the series complete and some that are actually really good as stories/comics, to me at least.

Also, sorry about the image quality. These were quickly drawn and never inked and it shows a bit…

One of them is completely fictional, so it isn’t really based on any real event. Can you tell which one?











I’m gonna spoil it for you: I didn’t fall down the stairs. Everything else was really experienced by Ina


Works from Tallinn comic camp! Here we heard first a comprehensive lecture about history of comics in Estonia and Finland. The task was to pick three styles from there: not-your-thing, awesome and hard-for-you. Then we were supposed to make a spread about three topics: what’s hard, what you dislike and what you like in Tallinn.

Now your task is to try to guess which style and which topic belong together, mwahahaa!


Four pairs of colourful socks bought by Ina

Finland – Estonia Comics Cup

In the comic camp, one morning started with an epic Youtube marathon, through which we learned everything there is to know about Sweden, Finland and Estonia. And then we drew comics about them. I’m sorry, but this time Sweden wasn’t inspiring at all. Note though Fågel and Abba there somewhere…

Estonia: I recommend you watch a video called ”Olla eestlane on halb” from Youtube. This comic is based more or less in the feeling. And of course I found the one horse reference in the six-and-half-minute video… There you go!


Finland: This is based on Rare Exports, obviously.


I felt a distinguished stab of guilt while drawing naked Santa Claus ass and thinking about my hard working school work group drawing masterplans back in Finland…

Enchanted by Estonian magic was Ina


There’s a funny finnish proverb ”Siitä puhe mistä puute” which roughly means ”You’re talking about things you’re lacking”. Since it took the most part of my sleeping time to scan my comics from Tallinn comics camp yesterday, I’ll publish now a collection of dreams related comics (which were made on the camp (Which was supergreat and fun and oh man I miss it.)).

More Tallinn memories will be uploaded soon (= as fast as I can PhotoShop)!

Task was to start the comic with a pose you were when falling asleep and to end it with a pose you woke up.

Same again with 100% more dinosaur

BTW these comics were originally made as small booklets which may affect the reading experience. Oh well…

Here task was to make a comic about a dream you’ve really had. I did, but to make the story work better I added some drama and excluded one Transformer… :”(

Why is it so good?

Another task:
(Something like this)
Pick a story that you think is good (book, comic, movie, game…)
List 6-12 things why it’s good
2-4 pages

I picked Airman (Siipimies en finnois), a book by Eoin Colfer, which has been my favourite for who knows how long. WHICH didn’t make the task any easier, funny thing…
Sorry about the image quality. I’m starting to see why it’s a pro thing to ink, even when you think you’re in a hurry.




Teenage years relived by Ina

Stranger tides

Whoops! Nuorten avoin goes international languages!

This comic is a side product of Nordicomics Youth camp, based on a following assignment:
” A comic, lenght 1-3 A4 pages
Use Google and Wikipedia to research a country that you do not know that well or at all.
Create a realistic character in the country of your choosing and do an autobiographical comic of that person.
The comic should introduce him/her, his/hers family, city, home, hobbies, culture etc.
(Make the character different from you)”

My country of choosing was Tuvalu. One great quote from Wikipedia was something along the lines of this: ”the highest point of Tuvalu is an unnamed place 5 meters above sea level”. Wow!

The final comic isn’t very ”autobiographical”, BUT I tried to have a sort of depressed, angsty feeling that I associate with many autobiographical comics.
I also clearly have this thing for giant underwater creatures. Picasso had his blue period, I have my fish period…




Involved in fishy businesses was Ina

Moikka vaan…

No worries, kaverit. Vuoden päästä tulen takaisin. Saattaa tännekin välillä jotain päivittyä, jos tulee sellaista settiä, joka ei sovi ”viralliseen vaihtoblogiin”,


Seilori ja prinsessa

Nyt joku ahkerampi lukija sanoo, että ”Tämänhän minä olen nähnyt jo!”, mutta sehän johtuu siitä, että aiemmin yksisvuiseksi syntynyt tarina otti tuulta alleen ja inspiroi vielä monta lisäsivua!
Sarjiksen pohjana on yksinkertainen tehtävä:
1. Ota pyyhekumi ja heitä se kohti hyllyä, jossa on sarjakuvia-albumeita
2. Ota albumi, johon kumi osuu (strippisarjiksia ei hyväksytä) ja jäljennä siitä yhden sattumanvaraisen aukeaman ruudut ja ruuduissa olevat hahmot tikku-ukkoina
3. Vaihda paperia kaverin kanssa
4. Piirrä tarina tikku-ukkojen päälle
5. Taiteen syntyä ei voi estää!!

Allaolevassa tarinassa osa sivuista on tehty tällä metodilla ja osa piirretty suoraan päästä. Kiitos Katille, joka kiikutti mulle sivupohjia, kun en itse päässyt heittelemään kumia sarjiskeskukselle <3

Sarjisopeni kommentti tämän nähtyään: "Sä vaan sanot, että tykkäät piirtää räjähdyksiä ja sellaista, mutta OIKEESTI sä vaan haluisit piirtää tällaisia…" Ehkä se oli kehu.

Joka tapauksessa: Varoitus! Sarjakuva saattaa sisältää ällöpörrösöpöyttä.


Ällöpörrösöpöilyä harrasti Ina

Tykkivalaat ja Kapteeni Andreas

Tässä järjestyksessä.
Eli Kapteeni Andreas tekee paluun, joskin hiljaisena sivuhahmona, tässä huimassa tuskan ja menetyksen täyteisessä merenalaisessa seikkailussa. Tarina syntyi Nordicomics Youth! -sarjakuvaleirillä ihan pari viikkoa sitten. Oli kivaa, jee!
Kiitokset sille nimeltämainitsemattomalle lapselle, joka vuonna 2009 huusi täysillä ”Tykkivalaaaas!” jossain lähistöllä, kun minä nukuin päiväunia kalliolla <3

Adventures of Captain Andreas and Domino the Dog continue! Though, they are merely endnotes in this story which was created in the Nordicomics Youth! -camp a couple of weeks ago. It was superfun 😀


Valaita piirteli Ina