My thesis in a nutshell

Or rather, my thesis-as-I-imagine-it-will-be. So, I’m preparing my Master’s thesis in landscape architecture and the subject is situating horse related activities in manor environments in Helsinki region, especially in Vantaa. I did this comic-doodle-scribble to clarify for myself (and possibly my professor, too) why I think this subject is important. The reason why I didn’t write it directly as text was that I had a crazy-ass flu (again) and I would have wanted to just die away and not to think my thesis at all. But I HAD to do something, ’cause you just have to work on your thesis, no matter what, right?!

In case there’s someone who has great insight or ideas or comments about my subject and how to proceed with it, feel free to say it aloud! 😀

There you go!


Il était fou et clairvoyant


// Voilà we are going to have a grand boulevard. Take notes! / ”Must be spacious enough to fit at least four driving lanes, two parking lanes, side streets with parking facilities, wide sidewalks, two-way cycling lanes – / -on both sides, and two- no, four lines of mature planetrees.” Eh, Highness… / what’s a parking lane? / Just make it wide!!!

In case it’s not obvious *cruel irony* the guy with fancy wig is Louis XIV alias Roi Soleil, The Sun King. He sure saw the future of modern car-dependant society.

Exhausted by exhaust fumes in front of the Versailles Palace every day is Ina

Puutarhataiteen historia pähkinänkuoressa

Varoitus! Seuraavassa sarjakuvassa on vedetty mutkia suoriksi, laitettu sanoja toisten suuhun ja vähät välitetty muodin historiasta. Tavoitteena on ollut tiivistää loputtoman mielenkiintoinen historiallinen ilmiö aivan liian pieneen tilaan. Sarjakuvan lähteenä on käytetty kirjaa The Landscape of Man (J. & S. Jellicoe 1987) sekä Julia Donnerin puutarhataiteen historian luentosarjaa.

Piirsi Ina