// Roll in your grave, you old fart! //
Quote from the Guild of Architecture’s student magazine Paperi 2/2017.
J.J. Abramsin Star Trek- leffoissa on näitä kohtauksia, joissa eeppinen musiikki soi ja kamera nuolee Enterprisen pinnan pyöreitä muotoja… Mulle kävi jotain samantapaista kun sain pyörän huollosta.
You know those scenes in J.J. Abrams’s Star Trek movies, where an epic instrumental music is playing and camera softly runs along the curves of the Enterprise… Something similar happened to me when I got my bike from service.
/ What are you lagging there?! The library closes!! /
/ Sorry, I– I was admiring my bike. /
Summernight Marshmallows
// Did someone set the alarm already? -I thought Romeo did. -No I didn’t. -Okay, I’ll do it. /
/ Julia’s heart is radiating with warmth <3<3 -Romeo and Julia! You two are so cute I'm puking marshmallows! Blargh! Blargh! /
/ Hey folks it's time to sleep! -Okay okay… -Good Night! /
/ smooch smooch -Blargh! Blargh! //
Just a Little Dead
Meillä oli rankka nuortenleiri ja lepotauko pehmeässä, hiljaisessa paikassa olisi tehnyt hyvää. Saunassa tapahtunutta:
We were having a hard youth camp and some rest in a soft and quiet place would have been great. This happened in the sauna:
/ Fuck you! Screw a deer! Shut up! Haahaahaa! /
/ Ina, are you alive? -hmmm /
/ Actually – NO! Get a funeral coach! /
/ A classy black Mercedes — ! /
/ – super-expensive one!! Aargh, why is this so horrible?! /