
Olin ohjaamassa leiriä uusien ihmisten kanssa. Sain siinä kaupan päälle kuulla kaikenlaisia totuuksia itsestäni.

/ Where are you from? -Helsinki / The other instructors didn’t know. They just asked ”Who is Ina?” and I told them that it’s that blue-shirt hairy person who sneaks around here- / Hairy? / Okay, fair… /

/ Right, okay, thank you I’ll be in touch! / You have a really nice voice. Could you read a bedtime story? /

Tää tapahtui kotimatkalla:
/ Where do you come from? / Can I just speak Finnish? From Savonlinna. / You look like a German tourist, you know, on it’s way to Rastila Camping. /

Ja sit vielä pari leirihetkeä, jotka sain aikaiseksi piirtää:

/ Kaisla grates to the rhythm of Tuomari Nurmio /

/ Wiener! Wiener! WIENER! / Whoever shouts that one more time gets to sleep next to ME tonight! / … /
/ Buns! BUNS!! /

Oikeasti hajosin tolle yllättäen löytyneelle kotiseutuylpeydelle xD Lapsukaiset ovat niin hauskoja.


/ Hello ladies, how are we /eeeeEEEHH! You’ve done it again!!! /
/ Yieesh! Legs and breast pieces gone. You’ve been thorough. / Eeewww yuck! Is that a bird foot at the bottom of the pool? Well of course it is! /

Edellinen kerta löytyy täältä.

Punakorvakilpikonna on EU:n alueella luokiteltu haitalliseksi vieraslajiksi. En tavallaan yhtään ihmettele.


/ First they tried to build wind power close to where people lived but there was a hard backlash. /
/ Now the turbines are being built to faraway lands and forests where they fragment the landscape. / Wind corporations sniff in every nook and municipalities seek tax options and growth. /
/ And environmentalists try to protect what they can — -This would make a great summer theater play. /