Varoitus: viherpiiperrystä ja aarniometsämähmintää
Kuvan inspiroi vanha tuttu viikon väärä mielipide eräässä lehdessä.
/ We should protect more nature. -Boohoo it costs so much! Who’s gonna pay? No no no it’s not feasible /
/ Let me ask, what is the cost of NOT protecting the nature? /
/ Hypothetical example: take a Gymnopus perforans. It’s one of my favorite mushrooms. It decomposes spruce needles. /
/ Imagine shit gets rough – habitat degrades – Gymnopus goes extinct! Bam! No more needle decomposing service !! /
/ How long until it becomes a problem? /
/ Forest vegetation does not renew itself anymore. Needles smother everything. -Something must be done! /
/ Let’s develop a bacteria that eats needles! -Who’s paying the research? /
/ No, we must deal with lonely seniors, covid-marginalized youth and national debt first. -But we’ll drown in needles!! /
/ We’ll burn them! -Light up the forest, huh? /
/ They’ll be gathered up! We’ll burn them for energy! -Who gathers? What does it cost? /
/ As an employment measure! -Rake the forests? Listen, we do not have enough mental health patients in rehabilitation for that! /
/ So yeah… /
Kuusenneulasnahikkaan sukupuutto ei toistaiseksi ole kovin todennäköinen. Valitettavasti meillä on Suomessa 2667 eliölajia, joiden on (Punainen kirja 2019). Että niin…