Kumouksellista toimintaa

/ Hi, how was your weekend? -Good. I attended a partisan seminar. / Security Intelligence Service: Hey hey hey! /
/ I mean like historical fencing. A partisan is a heavy melee spear from 1500’s. -Ah, okay. / Dang. /

Jos tulee kriisi, niin osaan sitten puolustaa itseäni kaksmetrisellä seipäällä.

Rupesin muistelemaan naginataseminaaria, jonne matkustettiin laivalla. Omalla dojolla puhuttiin sujuvasti ”aseista” koko ajan, mutta matkaan lähtiessä senpai ohjeisti, että puhutte sitten julkisesti vain naginatoista, ettei tule turvamiehet päälle.

Kesken jääneet asiat

/ Some years ago I met a lovely environmentalist. Let’s call her Eeva-Stiina / She invited me to speak in an event and I got to visit her and her partner’s farm /
/ There the ditch came up for the first time: -it’s possible to dig a ditch into the forest without any permission / so doesn’t it go other way round as well! What if we arranged a rewilding workshop and filled this ditch! -Ha ha yes! /
/ Two summers ago we were on an excursion in North Karelia. Upon separating:
I’m looking forward to you coming to fill that ditch one day. Maybe in August? Otto’s invited too! -Of course! Yes! /

That summer and another passed. And last Friday: Eeva-Stiina has passed away. -What? NO?! / …Fast and severe illness… died peacefully at home… buried in the presence of closest… -No no no no no /
/ We never got to fill that ditch! /

Jos haluaisit osallistua Luonnonperintösäätiön muistometsäkeräykseen, niin sen voi tehdä täällä: Luonnoperintösäätiö. Keräys on auki 31.12. asti.

Ihanat antropomorfit

/ I reread one of my favourite childhood books, Martin the Warrior from the Redwall series. / It was like going back to a familiar place / Except for one thing /
/ Ouf how come these animals are so steaming HOT ?! -You don’t really think about it when you’re nine… /
/ My standards aren’t that high. They’re mouse-sized / The mouse in question /

/ It was also a little sad to notice that the two primary plotlines actually talk about radicalization, revenge – / and how they eventually ruin the lives of young animals. As a kid I admired the Redwall warriors but now I see there are dark and difficult aspects to them, too. This was an interesting notion. /
/ (Though, I’ll have my hotties with a trauma anytime…) /

Kintulammin listat

Oltiin Macin kanssa telttailemassa Kintulammilla ja ehdittiin käydä monella eri taukopaikalla. Tässä havaintoja matkan varrelta:

/ I was camping with Mac. During our hike, we saw, among others, the following things:
On the fire: meatballs, sausages / sausages / frankfurters, seitan sausages, sausages, meatpies / sausages /
/ Dogs: Hippu / Turo / Nova / Fanni /
/ In the outhouse turf sack: a plastic dipper / another plastic dipper / a soup ladle / a trowel /

Akvaariosaaga jatkuu (ja päättyy)

/ That’s it! I’m getting a new one! / An aquarium and delivery? -We have a second hand aquarium available, but let’s talk about the delivery part… /
/ It’s so darned heavy! If we bring it to you you’ll at least offer us a sauna night with drinks! -(It’s cheap. But it also looks cheap.) Hmm. /
/ You could ask a glass firm to fix your old tank. That way we needn’t move any tanks! / Excellent idea! We do that! (I get to keep my old one!) (-Phew! Heavy lifting avoided!) /

/ So I’d have an aquarium– -We don’t do aquariums. / Right. Okay. Well then. /
/ … /
/ I have a new one in stock with a stand. Delivered to your home the day after tomorrow. -I’ll take it. /
/ Tomorrow it comes / Postal service: It comes the day after tomorrow. /

/ So close but so far!! /
/ Dear neighbor, come lift! Thanks! / Sunday night at 8: Heave-ho! /

/ Ah! -When you think you could have gotten this in March– -Shush shush shush! /

Paljon ehtii kun toimeen ryhtyy, toi oli mun viime viikko. Akvaariosaaga alkoi maaliskuussa. Konnien puutarhakesän ja parin epäonnistuneen saumausyrityksen jälkeen sisuunnuin ja ostin uuden altaan. Se on hieno ja kiiltävä sellaisella seksikkäällä ja vähän vaarallisella tavalla.


/ Portal to another dimension / Hattifatteners / Slitrhering goo / Forest troll’s home cave /
/ This forest meets the Magical Forest Criteria! /

Ainoat satumetsäkriteerit, jotka hyväksyn. Vanhojen ja luonnontilaisten metsien suojelu perkele

Eli oli varsin kiva ja elämyksellinen metsäretki viikonloppuna ^^