Nordnorsk loggbok

Olin syyslomalla Tromssassa / I was on a holiday in Tromso.

/ Geology trail of Tromso University / Two tectonic plates meet on Tromso island. The collision zone can be seen on the geology trail / … /
/ No way! The- the- tectonic FRICKING plates !! are right THERE! /
/ Here we are, just walking on top of geology, all day every day /

What is geology if not dirt, persevering?

/ You take Mira and you take Thor / Avengers assemble! /
/ Waaah! -The horse is too fat, none of the saddles fit. You get to go without. Is your saddle ok? -Yeah, feels steady. /
/ … /
/ Waaah! / Your horse lost weight? -So it would seem. /

Täs täytyy tietää, et mä olen Iron Man. Oli parasta ratsastaa rannalla vuonojen, vuorien ja pilvien hohtaessa turkoosin, sinisen ja tummanharmaan sävyissä =*_*=

Kiipesin vuorelle, eli paikalliset kuntoportaat. Hulluja nuo norjalaiset. / I climbed a mountain/communal jogging trail.
/ There is a local traditional textile called Manddalsgrene -Google / Did you mean: Mandel Green. Mandala Garden. Mandalorian? / Oh for goodness’ sake! /

/ I’ve lost my swimsuit and had to buy a new one from Rovaniemi. / Had I been a mermaid I could have just picked a new one from the beach. /
/ Clouds hide the mountain tops. What if- / the slopes never reach the summit but merge at the top and we’d have mountainception? /

(Viitaten Crisse Nolanin Inception-leffan vinkeisiin visuaaleihin.)


/ I’ve made a deal with myself that I’m allowed to go to certain lunch places only if I’m feeling sad (because they’re expensive and/or promote gluttony)
/ I’ve went to all of them this week! What’s wrong with me?! -Remember to drink water. /

I’m not saying it’s them hormones (but it’s them hormones).

Tämän julkaisuhetkellä olen onnellisena Norjassa, toim.huom.

David Tennantin alaston niska

Olen katsonut viime aikoina ihan hirveästi telkkaria (eli suoratoistoa). Katsottujen nimikkeiden yhteisenä nimittäjänä lienee Skotlannin lahja maailmalle, David Tennant. / I’m suffering from a David Tennant brainrot.

Vuonna 2021 julkaistiin DT:n tähdittämä Maailman ympäri 80 päivässä -sarja. Se on eurooppalainen yhteistuotanto, joka löytyy yhä Yle Areenasta. Palasin sen äärelle hiljakkoin ja tuli piirrettyä tää vanha idea.
/ What are you watching? -Around the World in 80 Days with David Tennant as Mr. Fogg / He’s about to be flogged for something he didn’t do – uh-oh! -Woah! There goes his shirt! Are they cuffing him to a pillar? /
/ … /
/ Have you ever considered getting a real boyfriend? /

Sit oon kattonu Good Omensia ja tein tällaisen kuvan Crowleysta, joka masistelee kylppärissä, koska lattialämmitys.


/ When I was eleven, I read about an Irish myth / of a battle between humans and elves and elves then leaving this earth /
/ The same theme was present in my favourite media products of my teenage years: Artemis Fowl books and Hellboy 2 movie. / In the movie, elf prince Nuada says: We’ll be gone and the world will be poorer… /
/ It’s a (sort of) beautiful and touching narrative! / I cried gallons watching Song of the Sea. -Elves leaving is a guaranteed tear machine!/

/ Recently a thought occurred: It’s a story about extinction! / We share this planet with innumerable, fascinating species. We COULD live side by side, in peace and respecting boundaries… /
/ Instead, human action – not so much ”battle”, but ignorance and carelessness, drive these others over the brink. With every extinct species a little of the magic disappears. /
/ Captain Jack Sparrow said it well: The world is the same. It just has less in it. (Another important media product of my teenage years) /
So yeah. This story is pretty old. And we haven’t learnt a thing. /

When in doubt, pop-culture.

Paluu Hämeen härkätielle

Viimekesäinen Hämeen härkätien vaellus sai jatkoa, kun lähdettiin fillarein ja uuden toverin kanssa Hämeenlinna-Renko-Tammela-etapille. Edellisvuonna fuskattiin se bussilla, joten oli uusia maisemia. Viime vuoden seikkailut löytyy täältä.
/ We set out on a summer trip to Ox Road of Tavastia with couple of friends and bikes.

Olen näköjään tullut ihmiseksi, joka piirtää (söpöjä?) sarjiksia ötököistä… / Comics about bugs along the way.
/ I’ll just crawl here for shelter… /

/ Drink break! /

/ Onion field! / Potato field! /
/ We could get cream and cheese out of those /
/ I saw a bolete in the previous crossroads -There we would’ve had a dinner already! (Snatch some onions next time)

/ I’d like to have a whiskey. What do you have? -All that is up there is available. / Bunnahabhain! I’ll have that! (favourite whiskey) /
/ I’ll have the middle-aged. -Sorry to inform, this bottle is empty. / Oh. I’ll take the old one then (This is gonna cost me)… -Sorry, this is empty too. /
/ Oh well, I’ll have Laphroaig then! -I’m so sorry, I need to make an order… -No worries! I just eluded an expensive whiskey! / The end. Bonus: /
/ This stuff goes directly to your eyelids! (Good) /

Viitaten suomipopin klassikkoon, jossa viina menee ensin poskiin. Tutkimattomia ovat alkomahoolin tiet elimistössä.

/ This rapid flows from Upperlake to Lowlake. -Creative. I wonder if this is the shortest river in Finland. /

/ This is a border stone of seven villages from the 1500’s. -So an administrational rock. / I sit on your administration! /
/ (Of course it wouldn’t have been okay if this was a religious rock) It’s cool to think this very rock, in this very place, has been known and important for 500 years –and still is! / I’m in Hämeenlinna, in Vanaja, in Tammela– -Now because the municipalities have united you’re mostly in Hämeenlinna. /

/ Finally! Today’s warm meal! I can smell the fries! / I’m so sorry, we have sold out all the food! -Do you have anything?! -Ice cream boats. /
/ Hey listen up! There’s a tavern in Foodora that’t still open! Hallelujah! /
/ I’d like to order– -We don’t have home delivery. -But you’re on Foodora–? -Foodora’s closed now. /

/ So we have two eggs and a little bread. And candy. /
/ So, you’ve accomodated yourself nicely? Did you find an evening meal? No, actually… / Oh, I would’ve had leftovers from today’s brunch! Do you want some of that? Bread, cheese? -Yes. /
/ I have some salmon and salad as well, if you’d like…? / YES /

/ I’m in Hattula! I’m in Tammela! / Nice that somebody still has energy. -I’ve cycled all day I’m full of endorphines! /

Yleisön pyynnöstä, tässä on Saunatonttu. Se pukeutuu asioihin, joita ihmiset unohtelee saunoihin. Loogisesti sillä siis on kengät, jotka hukkasin Yrjönkadun uimahalliin Arkkitehtikillan vuosijuhlien jajatkoilla vuonna 2015.
/ Finally, this is Sauna elf who wears stuff that people forget at saunas.

Marrassammal, otaksun

/ What did you find? -Bones / There are some species of moss that grow on detritus and bones but here the growth is too small to identify… / Wow! This is some deep underground! /

Mä tunnen paljon eri tavoin cooleja ihmisiä, mut ne, jotka tietää paljon sammalia on mahdollisesti yksiä cooleimmista.

Kus on mu hobune?

Yksi unelma täyttyi tänä kesänä, kun lähdin Viroon Muhun saarelle ratsastuslomalle. / I went to Muhu island in Estonia for a riding holiday.

/ This is nice… /

/ Is your horse nice? -Yes! / She’s a bit chubby, though. She’s got a huge bump of fat on her neck. /
/ I thought you were just being mean, but now I see you weren’t… -That much more to love! /

/ Valtion metsää / State owned forest / Of course… /

/ Sauna time! / Funny place to store that. -We can have a sauna meeting /

Mitä vanhemmaks elää, sitä hienompi on raja riemun ja kuolemanpelon välillä.

/ Pee stop! / I’ll just rub my head a little… / Ah-a! /

Summer Aesthetic
/ Linen dress, yay or nay? -Yes. -But don’t take that bland lichen colour- / Moss girl summer!! /
/ Flea market: Wow, cool goggles! / Flower crowns! /

Tallinnan lauttaterminaalissa
/ Stowaway! What are we gonna do with you? / Waaah! / Well, good luck… /