Oops, after yesterday’s Pirates the connection to today’s lovely guy seems almost too obvious 😀 I can’t deny PotC didn’t inspire me to create Captain Andreas. There’s just something about those lone seafarers!
Captain, or Kapteeni in Finnish, is situated in K because it was already too crowded in A. This makes Kapu the first of the two characters on the list classified by their title. Trivia for the people!
I know it can be a bit smug to choose a hero you made up yourself on the list of favourite heroes… But having composed and drawn the adventures of Kapu for about three years now I must say he’s become quite important to me and I feel he deserves to be on the list.
But in case someone want’s to nag about it, I drew also another hero for K. He’s Kit Fisto.
Kit is a character without any lines but the most screen time compared to other Jedis in that category. I love the moment in Episode 2 where he grins after a completed droid smash 😀
Captain Andreas by me
Star Wars by George Lucas and company