Viime syksynä Puputoimiston julkaisusarja oli niin mahottoman vahva, että paljon taviselämän hupailuja jäi piirtämättä ja julkaisematta. Korjataan tilannetta… Tänään erilaisia teletapituksia ja Tähtien sodan aiheuttamia tuntemuksia, olkaa hyvät!
/ Soooo good space war! /
/ If I go now I’ll have time for two more episodes tonight… -It was so nice to see you! You want to get one more drink? /
/ I-I’ll get going home, I have one — thing — there. -Oo, you have someone waiting? Who is he? /
/ One Rex – He’s a captain in the Grand Army of the Republic– Though his boss’ colleague is really hot too… /
/ I’m getting real serious with Clone Wars! -Serious? You’re not having fun? /
/ No, serious as in dating! This relationship requires a lot of time together! /
Tämä keskustelu käytiin 😛
/ So have you watched The Mandalorian? Oh yes! It’s terrific! It has restored my faith in Star Wars… /
/ But how about Star Wars REBELS!? /
/ Rebels? Isn’t it that childish Clone Wars rip-off with skinny lightsabers? /
/ Are Mandalorians like a species or a people? -Wookiepedia! / A clan-based cultural group composed of members of multiple species- / So they are basically like ”The Swedish”. -More likely ”The Finnish”. They have a planet called Kalevala! /
/ Growl! Snarl! / Carotid! Get the carotid!! Kick the balls! HIT HIM! /
Nämä repliikit lausuttiin xP
/ The Last Jedi was an awful disappointment. -Say no more! I had high hopes and all were betrayed. -True, the biggest flaw was Snoke though- /
/ In The Force Awakens we only see him as a huge hologram. And I was hyped he was gonna be some epic space giant – /
/ But then we see him in person and he’s just an average size guy! /
/ So Snoke was small? That’s the biggest problem? -Definitely, isn’t it? /
Emmä käsitä mitä jengi valittaa…
/ Shafts and chutes are an inseparable part of every Star Wars environment. Dreadnoughts, factories, archives and cities, wherever you go, you have them. Handrails are for girls. /
/ Quite a lot of stuff ends up at the bottom… /
/ Dust, candy wrappers– Mouse droids, miscellaneous limbs, light sabers, british robots– Groovy! /
^Tää idea on jo oldie but goldie ja siihen liittyy hyviä muistoja jostain laiskasta iltapäivästä MacKativerin kanssa. Esittelijänä toimii mun jedi-alter ego Glorie Stormbird. Brittiläiset robotit viittaavat Lego Batmaniin ja tähän giffiin:
Ikuinen kiitos Julialle
Oikeestaan, tässä sarjiksessa on kaikki. Niinku. Kaikki. Such love. Much epic. Wow.
Bonus bonus:
Ei Tähtien sotaa, mutta laadukasta audiovisuaalista kontenttia yhtä kaikki. Tapahtui joskus lokakuussa:
/ I’m going, bye! -Third time this month? Where does she run every other night? -Maybe she has a date! /
/ Guillermo Del Toro series at the National Audiovisual Institute /